on display

Louisiana Photographic Society

Now on Display

Louisiana Photographic Society


Jul 29, 2024
Oct 31, 2024



Our Cinematic World: Visual Explorations of The Louisiana Photographic Society


About the show:

What can people expect to see– Photography in a variety of styles, methods, subjects. Landscapes, portraits, still life, astrophotography, and more.

Mission statement of LPS: The mission of the Louisiana Photographic Society is to advance and promote the art of photography in the River Parishes of South Louisiana. To help achieve this goal, we offer our members a variety of programs, classes, seminars, and field trips throughout the calendar year. And on occasion, we get together just to have fun.

Show Statement: Each person sees and experiences the world through the unique lens of their own knowledge and understanding. As a social species, we look for ways to share and relate to others, linking our worlds and our lives. Photography gives us a way to share a different viewpoint of events as we perceive them. Be it a street vendor, a rising moon or setting sun, a full-bodied laugh, or a curious bird, presenting our view helps us connect to the world and to each other.

Find out more about the Louisiana Photographic Society through instagram: @laphotosociety, or visiting their website: www.laphotosociety.com

Please note: The Jones Walker Foyer is a public space.